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Breaking down the Roe vs Wade case

Women have had to fight for basic rights since time immemorial and the right to safe abortions is one of them. Bodily autonomy is granted under the constitution of most countries to everyone, irrespective of gender identity, race, sexuality, and socio-economic standing. The 1973 Roe Vs Wade case was a historic verdict made by the US Supreme Court that granted women the right to abortion. This was overturned by the Supreme Court on 22 June 2022, allowing states to criminalize abortion as murder. Ten American states have since banned abortion in full effect and three states are expecting to bring the ban to their jurisdictions soon. However, abortion is still legal in 29 other states. Check out this New York Times article to know which states stand for and against accessing this basic human right. So where does Australia stand on all this? What are our options in this country? Do all the states have the same law and access to abortion? Check out this article to know more:

Our fellow WE committee members joined thousands of others in July to protest and support folks in the USA against the overturning of the law showing where we stand as a club on this issue.

If you feel distressed, anxious, sad, or negatively affected by any content on this matter, we highly recommend you reach out to the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provided by the University of Melbourne. Talking to professionals will certainly help to heal and process our feelings and emotions around this matter, especially if you are a new university student. They offer advice on workshops, online resources, referrals to therapists, and training sessions for staff and students. It is vital to prioritize your mental health and keep it in check. Appointments are available for students both in Australia and overseas.


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