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Career Enhancement

How to create "The Perfect Resume" ? Well, I honestly don't think there is a perfect way to design "the perfect resume" because your it's just a brief on the wealth of experiences you have accumulated over the years which definitely cannot be sufficed in a 2-3 page document, but most definitely, preparing a good CV is the first step you take to building up to your dream job. The University of Melbourne offers their students a great opportunity through the magic portal, SMART-Resume which allows you to upload your present resume OR if you do not have one prepared, provides you with a template to fill up. After uploading your drafted PDF document into this Resume Module, the application will score the Resume according to different elements and also evaluate if the resume is either all good to be sent out, on track or would require some work. A detailed feedback based on Impact, presentation and competencies will be provided which helps to upgrade your resume to another level. After this process is complete, book an appointment with the University career advisor who will run through your resumes once again with you and give a few pointers for improvement.

Once that is done, head on to the to narrow down your position description choices applicable to your needs, interests and future requirements. Go ahead! give it a try! All the best! We are so lucky to have these services for freeee! SO grab this opportunity and make the best use of it.

WE also hope to empower our members by using our platform to promote and celebrate the work of our community! Whether that's advertising your small business, new club, call for participants in a university research project, or shouting out your amazing work - we are so excited to endorse your work!

Reach out to us on the platform you want us to promote your project on and we will send through some instructions on how you can utilise this service!


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