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Balancing Study and Work life

Finding the correct balance is the key.

Work, Uni life and uh oh, the personal life - sometimes it's difficult to keep the scale balanced and you will often find yourself at the crossroads of which to prioritize first !

What if I say out of all these prioritize yourself first and everything else falls into place ?

When things go overwhelming, I usually listen to what my body is demanding and my mind is saying. If it demands rest, so be it ! Make sure you keep switching between your comfort zone and the magic zone (out of your comfort zone I must say) , don't stay in either of the zones for too long, too much work is as bad as too much rest. This is especially for an international student like me, who time and again gets bouts of home-sickness and it becomes all the more important for me to remind myself that it's okay with what I'm feeling right now and that I do not have to climb the ladder all at once, I can take tiny small steps.

Ps - Track your emotions just as you track your assignments, you will find the correct balance , and it's absolutely okay to have days off balance too, after all we are hooomans!

Toddles ×0


Having financial independence to explore all the nooks and crannies of Melbourne and experiencing everything you’ve dreamed of is one of the most empowering things I’ve experienced :D. I knew I wanted to start working as soon as I got here. My first gig at a newly opened café was as a waitress and it taught me how to converse with people in a professional setting. Waitressing has not only made me better at housekeeping but it’s also honed my communication skills. But it is super important to not overdo it. 3 days a week of work and keeping one of my weekends free to have all the fun is the perfect balance that I’ve found that works for me without feeling burned out to do any uni work. I highly recommend finding that balance for yourself cause having fun is very very important!


Getting out of the lockdown phase and travelling into Australia after a year of online studies was a huge step I had been waiting to take since 2020, as was getting my part-time job in the Universities COVID-response team. I decided to focus my energy on sending out my resumes to organizations related to my field of practice, wishful thinking, but to my surprise I got an offer after 7 rejection emails. I think being surrounded by positive and encouraging people was predominantly the reason that kept me going through this period in my life of balancing studying, working and my personal life altogether by myself. I believe that the constant reassuring and guidance helped me stay motivated and not give up along the way. In times of stress, a random trip to the city (particularly DFO*wink wink*) or zoomies with my niece are my usual DE-stressors. Take a break sometimes, you and I deserve it!


Balancing studies, work, volunteering and household chores is surely a lock whose key we all students are looking for! I believe it is a skill and like any other skill can be mastered over time. As an international student, exposure to a unique country and an independent life was certainly challenging, but the little spark that still keeps me going even in the most challenging circumstances is the dream I nurtured all the years and prayed for to live this life. The only way I think that we can multi-task so much work, keeping ourselves sane is by prioritising and trying to be mentally present and focused in whichever work we are doing. Everything needs our attention, so just by being there wholly will surely help in doing everything with the best efficiency.


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